Drutex PVC Windows

Iglo Energy Classic, Iglo EXT & Iglo Premier windows

Iglo Energy Classic

Iglo Energy Classic windows open inwards. A unique design where you can choose the square-shaped glazing bead to reflect the latest architectural trends. The remarkable thermal insulation parameters are ensured by the optimum 7-chamber profile structure, a specially designed sealing system made of foamed EPDM and glass packages with high thermal insulation parameters.

Iglo EXT

Iglo EXT window open outwards, as standard, these windows have hidden fittings (invisible when closed). The Iglo EXT window and door system is ideal for those looking for modern design and high aesthetic values.

Iglo Premier

Original outward opening tilt and turn windows are based on an extremely warm 5-chamber A-class profile made exclusively of primary material. The system comes with double sealing and reliable fittings to ensure high utility values for years to come.
