Windows & Doors

Finlay Ecofit supply and install Drutex windows & doors. Drutex are the largest suppliers of windows & doors in Europe, making over 7000 per day. The quality of their products is second to none! Come view our showroom to see the range of windows & doors available to you.

The facts
You will definitely benefit by upgrading your windows & doors. Your medium to long term energy savings will be substantial.
Existing single-glazed, poorly draught proofed, poorly insulated or damaged windows result in significant energy loss which only costs you money. By comparison, many new windows and doors have features that deliver substantial energy savings.

Double & Triple Glazed Windows explained

Double or Triple-glazed window units combined with high-performance frames provide optimum energy savings. In these windows, glass sheets are separated by a sealed cavity filled with an inert gas, and coated to reflect radiant infrared energy. Indoor heat in winter is retained, and excessive summer sun heat is reflected away.

Drutex offer a wide range of windows and doors, from PVC, aluminium, alu-clad & timber. 

You can install "A" rated windows & doors with Finlay Eco Fit & improve the comfort of your home.

All of our "A" rated windows come with certification with the complete window unit.

All of our "A" rated double glazed windows have a minimum u-value of 1.4W/m2K. 

All of our "A" rated triple glazed windows have a minimum u-value of 0.8W/m2K, with an option to upgrade to a u-value of 0.7W/m2K.
